This is going to be a bit of babbling rant of raw thoughts from the top of my head, so bear with me, or just stop reading here.
As a teenage girl myself, there are a few things about teenage girls that honestly just baffle me.
One, is how they constantly look down upon themselves, only to get sympathy from their peers. This is usually how it plays out:
"Ugh, I'm so fat!"I find that infinitely ridiculous. And in all reality, the girl is neither stunning, nor ugly. Is this some strategic mind game for girls to attract attention to themselves ( Are teenage girls capable of making elaborate plans as such? )? Or are the majority of us now being raised as people-pleasers?
"No, you're not! You're amazingly skinny and beautiful!"
"Yeah, you're absolutely gorgeous!"
Another thing is how some girls tend to write in such a language that doesn't quite qualify as English, nor can it can be considered text-talk, 'cause it honestly takes so many more characters and so much more time to type in this crude language of exaggerated written-as-heard than in the normal English language.
I`mma Reeeeeal Chiiick Sooo Thaattt Meeeans I`m Drammma Freeeeee .!<doubletake>
I Loooove 2 Haave Fun , Haang Ouut Wiiith Friiiendssss.
Beeeen Thruuuu Soome Shit , Sooo If Your'e Fake , Pleeeeeeease Stay The HELL Awaayyyy From Meeee :D
I'm sure that any sane literate ( as well as spell-check ) looked at that can instantly cringed.
So, this poses a a few questions from me:
- Why did you capitalize every word?
- Did you get honey stuck under your keyboard?
- Who taught you to put spaces BEFORE the punctuation marks as well as after?
- Since when did sentences become so important, they need TWO ending punctuation marks?
- Do you actually talk like that ( if you did, you need to be removed from the gene pool )?
- Where the hell did you find the time to type like that, what with the extra letters, extreme capitalization, and unnecessary spacing?
Oh, but no, it gets worse. In a locker-room, I once heard a girl say to a group of her friends, "Don't look at me! I wore a thong so that I wouldn't have a panty-line, and I don't want you guys to see me in a thong!" Would it have been easier just to have the frickin' panty-line? Is it THAT embarrassing? Panty-line = Hi, I'm wearing undies that cover my ass. Or is that suddenly a bad thing?
This is all I can think of off the top of my head for now, but nonetheless, I'm very much proud to be an individual, and not a cookie-cutter replica of these-facepalm-worthy girls. Or maybe, I'm the odd one out, and doing all these things are logical and accepted in society. What do you think?
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