Friday, 25 February 2011


This week, I haven't really much to show you guys but me in my whole, and nothing but me ( and some clothes, or else things'd get kinky in here and Josh wouldn't like that ). So, I decided just to kinda rant about my week, if you guys don't mind. Hey, you might actually learn something about me.

School's been real hectic. Us Americans had Monday off to celebrate President's Day. Then, we kicked it into high gear when we returned to school on Tuesday with a whole bunch of home and classwork. Due to multiple snow days here in the Midwest, a lot of dates and schedules got pushed off track. Many of my teachers took this week to try to squeeze everything in and return things back to normal next week, but they didn't realize how hard it'd be on us students. I have multiple quizzes next week to study for and big projects.

I also have to write some poetry this weekend about where I Am From. This is because we are reading The Giver by Lois Lowry in class and we are trying to contrast the lifestyle portrayed in Jonas's life with ours by writing poems using memories of our past and childhood. An example line might be, "I am from goodnight kisses, apple cider on Halloween nights, and a loving family of five." I might post my poem next Saturday, or the following if I haven't finished the final draft by then.

On Wednesday, we got scheduling papers to prepare for the next year.  I'll be taking several advanced courses, and I will be starting French, which excited me. I'll also be taking Advanced Art class. I was a little wary about this at first, because I didn't get to take regular art this year due to complications, but I talk to the art teacher about it and showed her some of my artwork. She very openly accepted me into her class, so that's good.

The following day, I had a two-hour long Honors Orchestra rehearsal after school, which was tiring. Honors Orchestra has a very limited number of rehearsals ( 2 ) before our two performances, so it was understandable to make them so long. However, a lot is expected from us, and styling of the music is complicated. We have three pieces, one in which the bow strokes are very short and classical, one in which the bow strokes are elongated, connected and exaggerated, and one in which there is a boy in a cape running around, bopping people on the head, and making them play better. Transitions between songs will most likely be very mushy, considering the contrast between the styling.

Those were two hours invested in my violin, and taken out of homework time, and I had a big quiz the next day. So, I get home from the rehearsal, grab a bite, hopped in and out of the shower and got to work with my homework. However, my brother also had homework, and me being his older sister, it was my responsibility to help him with anything that was troubling. That night, I finally plopped into bed at eleven-thirty, though my usually bedtime is around ten.

I woke up today ( 'cause I'm writing this on Friday ), at five-thirty in the morning. Now, assuming that I took the usual half-hour to fall asleep, I had only slept five and a half hours last night. And now, it's about an hour to midnight, and what am I doing? Blogging. My body is plumb, tuckered out, but my mind is flying around. Filled with words to type, story ideas, people I've seen today, and just... a jumbled mess that is my head.

Well, anyway, I hoped you've read this far if I haven't bored you to death already. Thanks. Some other time? Surely.

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