Wednesday, 20 July 2011

It's been a month since my last post. For those who bother with this anymore, I thought I would update you. Blogging hasn't been the only thing that I've been putting off. The indescernable scribbles in my sketchbook are just attempts for me to start working on requests from people. I've got a lot to do. I've also been practising piano and violin less, which is definately not the best way to prepare for playing with CSYO.

I went to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 last Saturday night with my friends. I'm usually not one to cry for movies, but (SPOILER ALERT. AVERT YOUR EYES NOW, YOU POTTER VIRGINS.) when Severus died, the tears just spilled. Severus Snape has always been in my top favourites for favourite characters. When I first read the first few books, I disliked him just as any reader exploring Jo's wizarding world alongside Harry did, and I was unsure for the longest time how Dumbledore could trust such a bitter man. However, I did admire his dry humour and well formulated insults. But most of all, I admire Snape's true love for Lily. Even after she severed her ties with him, he continued to love her (not without some bitterness, but love nonetheless). I couldn't imagine to myself how terrible it must have been to be in his position, to have her go and fall in love with his worst enemy.

Another character I really love is Narcissa Malfoy. She always makes her family her first priority. She loves them so much, and would do absolutely anything to try and keep them safe and sound, even going to the lengths as disobey the Dark Lord himself. Also, I could only imagine the kind of sacrifices she’s made for her family, like giving Draco her wand, the last remaining wand of the family. Another thing I really admire about her is how much she's been through all her life. Can you even begin to imagine all of the pain she’s gone? Scared because her husband was sent on dangerous missions for Voldemort, fearful for her son for becoming the same way, lonely when Lucius was sent to Azkaban, worried that she couldn’t parent Draco on her own, annoyed when people judged her family for Lucius’ failure, and frightened of crossing the Dark Lord because they were on such thin ice with him. Also, Narcissa Malfoy betrayed Voldemort, she betrayed the most feared wizard in the whole world. Can you imagine the courage that must’ve taken? This woman is so brave.

Alrighty, that's enough for now. I'm tired, and I've still got a lot to do tonight.

One last thing: Tom Felton is GOOD LOOKING, man!
